A quintessential cult film of the 1980s, Alex Cox’s singular sci-fi comedy stars the always captivating Harry Dean Stanton as a weathered repo man in a desolate Los Angeles, and Emilio Estevez as the nihilistic middle-class punk he takes under his wing. The job becomes more than either of them bargained for when they get involved in repossessing a mysterious—and otherworldly—Chevy Malibu with a hefty reward attached to it. Featuring the ultimate early eighties L.A. punk soundtrack, this grungily hilarious odyssey is also a politically trenchant take on President Reagan’s domestic and foreign policies.
- New, restored 2K digital transfer, approved by director Alex Cox, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack on the Blu-ray
- Audio commentary featuring Cox, executive producer Michael Nesmith, casting director Victoria Thomas, and actors Sy Richardson, Zander Schloss, and Del Zamora
- New interviews with musicians Iggy Pop and Keith Morris and actors Dick Rude, Olivia Barash, and Miguel Sandoval
- Deleted scenes and trailers
- Roundtable discussion about the making of the film, featuring Cox, producers Peter McCarthy and Jonathan Wacks, Zamora, Richardson, and Rude
- Conversation between actor Harry Dean Stanton and McCarthy
- Cox’s “cleaned-up” television version of the film
- Trailers
- English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
- PLUS: An essay by critic Sam McPheeters and, for the Blu-ray edition, an illustrated production history by Cox and a 1987 interview with real-life repo man Mark Lewis