In this adaptation of William S. Burroughs’s hallucinatory, once-thought-unfilmable novel Naked Lunch, directed by David Cronenberg, a part-time exterminator and full-time drug addict named Bill Lee (Peter Weller) plunges into the nightmarish Interzone, a netherworld of sinister cabals and giant talking bugs. Alternately humorous and grotesque—and always surreal—the film mingles aspects of Burroughs’s novel with incidents from the writer’s own life, resulting in an evocative paranoid fantasy and a self-reflexive investigation into the mysteries of the creative process.
- High-definition digital transfer, approved by director David Cronenberg, with DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack on the Blu-ray edition
- Audio commentary featuring Cronenberg and actor Peter Weller
- Naked Making Lunch, a 1992 documentary by Chris Rodley about the making of the film
- Special effects gallery, featuring artwork and photos alongside an essay by film writer Jody Duncan
- Collection of original marketing materials
- Audio recording of William S. Burroughs reading from his novel Naked Lunch
- Gallery of photos taken by poet Allen Ginsberg of Burroughs
- Film stills gallery (DVD only)
- English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
- PLUS: An essay by film critic Janet Maslin and, for the Blu-ray edition, essays by critic and novelist Gary Indiana, filmmaker and writer Chris Rodley, and Burroughs