Their third album in as many years- 1995's The Future of What is an unrelenting constructivist masterstroke. The Olympia trio's signature sound-grinding bass syncopated drums and fragmented guitar over measured yelps-ratchets past the thread into a stripped-out metallic slurry. Equal parts noise and adrenaline the album opens with a simple question: "Where's your energy?" It's been 25 years and we're still searching for the answer. - - - TracksCredits - 1 New Energy - 2 Demolished - 3 Natural Disasters - 4 Re-Enact the Crime - 5 Equally Stupid - 6 Pardon My French - 7 Descension - 8 Accidents on Purpose - 9 Accidents on Purpose - 10 Vern's Answer to the Masses - 11 Here Come the Dogs - 12 Disappoint - 13 Swan