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Torch [she/they/torch]

Behind the counter since 2017, Torch is our store manager and resident Mr Fix-It.

Torch’s Picks


Cyd [she/they/hers]

Since our impressive artist with oppressive back issues started in late 2020, Cyd has become our assistant manager and marketing specialist.


John [he/him/his]

You’ve seen John at Culture Clash before, and in official capacity as of Summer 2022. John has many tattoos, much hair, and is a certifiable sweetheart.


Michael [he/him/his]

Michael spends most of his working hours at Grindhrs Coffee, but will enthusiastically - albeit quietly - help, if he's here.


Tim [he/him/his]

Tim’s owned the place since May 2017, taking over the late Pat O'Connor’s store and local music legacy. He’s still doing this bit where his ears are damaged from a Fisher Price jambox.